Tuesday, July 9, 2013

We're Back! (With a Little Reminder)

Hey Everyone! This is Violet. Wow, it's been over three months since Michael and I have done a post on here. I blame finals for the first month, but we really have no excuse for May and June except for laziness. ;)

Despite this, we've had a date every single week, and luckily for you we even took pictures of several of them! That means we're going to have a few date posts to roll out over the next few days.

In the meantime, I have a question for you: When was the last time you told your sweetheart that you loved them? If it's been awhile (or even if it hasn't) go ahead and find a way to do it now!

Even the sidewalk says "I love you" sometimes!
  1. If your sweetheart is near you, just find him/her and say, "I love you"! Ready? Set? Go!
  2. If your sweetheart isn't near you right now, text him/her a sweet message, or maybe leave a voicemail.
  3. Try writing a sweet note to your sweetheart, or even go for a full love letter.
  4. Write "I love you" somewhere your sweetheart is sure to see it. Perhaps with sidewalk chalk on the way to your front door!
  5. Remember that actions can speak louder than words: find something you can do for your sweetheart that you know will scream "I love you!"
How do you tell your sweetheart that you love him/her? Let us know in the comments!

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